Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Bye Bye Chopsie

On Tuesday Mac lost her pet "wild" rabbit chopsie who we had had since she was tiny, she came to us via Leah who was asked to help by Liz Catt, she was found by the roadside nearly dead and covered in tar, what a lovely little thing she was, very cuddly and she loved human contact and to have her ears stroked, she went very suddenly and our vet thinks it was a parasite!! the dogs all miss her as they used to sit and watch her for hours, silly how you can fall in love with a rabbit but there you go, we'll miss her.

Monday, 13 April 2009

Bye Bye Baa Baa

Baa Baa with Sophie

This morning the vet had to put poor old Baa Baa to sleep, the vet said she was about 12 yrs old which is a good age for a sheep!, Mac loved Baa and Laura was so kind to agree to keep her after Mac found her about four years ago wandering in the road. She lived a very happy life with Laura's horses, She will be missed by Mac, Laura, Sophie & Toffee.

Friday, 3 April 2009

Woody & Goldy

A Great Spotted Woodpecker in the garden and a Goldcrest (the smallest bird in Britain in fact Europe)

Parent and Baby Nuthatch

Here are some Pictures I took in our garden of a baby Nuthatch being fed by it's mum or dad